Unearthed some pictures from the flower arrangement exhibition I went that time. The first one's the arrangement we did, the rest are the exhibits we saw.

This is the one we did ourselves.

Not bad, I think, for first timers. We were unlucky that day and got red flowers which clashed with our props... and unfortunately we couldn't ask for a change of flowers, so. Yeah.

But still, I think we did great ~ :)

I like this arrangement, it's very classy in a way. It's Ikebana-ish, and gives off a very Zen feeling.

It's the sort of thing I don't think I'd ever be able to do because I'm too straightforward for this kind of stuff, I usually end up doing things that go all over the place.

I found this one pretty interesting because of the bicycle wheel the arranger used. The plants aren't that attractive, but hmm... It's very refreshing, no?

P.S. This was done by Jiahui's mum.

This one's creative. I think using an easel and the photo frames (at least that's what they look like) was ingenius. :D

Basically, the above pictures are of flowers that I liked.

I like flowers in general, they're natural masterpieces. And for this exhibition, unusual and uncommon flowers were brought to Singapore... which I was quite excited about. :D

One of the large-scale exhibitions. I'd like to live in a house like that, maybe.

Although there'll be lots of snails around after it rains, so on second thought, better not.

Nevertheless, it's a great idea.

Another large-scale exhibition. I think there was a theme for the exhibitions that were displayed there, but I can't remember what it was...

This one's not bad, but I prefer the first one.

Still, I wonder how they set up such a huge exhibition. =\

This is another very zen arrangement. I like the way the fabric was used as a sort of backdrop.

It's fascinating, what some people think of using in their arrangements.

Oh, this one's interesting.

It's basically a room-like exhibit, and then there were flowers inside.

It's tranquil. Peaceful. Very Japanese. And very empty, which I somehow find very attractive.

Although I'd never be able to live in a room like that. I need my "orderly messiness", as my dad calls it. I don't know, an empty room, to me, looks very much like an empty life.

I'm weird, I know.

One of the weird plants I saw. It looks like a very, very mini Yucca, somehow.

And then there was this really, really big exhibition of a rainforest. Really. The trees and everything. They were insane enough to carry a bit of rainforest into the exhibition hall... (This was held in Suntec City, mind) Which people queued like mad for to get in. Bit weird, when you think Singapore's nearly covered in rainforests.

That's about it. When I went for the exhibition, I was intrigued... not just by the flowers, but especially by the different things people used to complement their arrangements. It's like... the picture frame becoming part of the picture. To these people, I think, vases aren't just containers holding the flowers, they're part of the entire work.

I never really did any flower arrangement after that. Not my kind of thing, it's a bit abstract and, I dunno. It's hard for me to wrap my head around.

Oh, but I like the colours.

Still, though, it really hit home how many forms art can manifest itself in.

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