That's my wall ~ My favourite place, in this whole world, so far, is my own room. And my parents very nicely allowed me to decorate the room as I please.

I'd had a few posters before, but then I started collecting more and more. They all used to be stuck on my wall in a pretty orderly manner, which is, well, kind of boring. And so I gathered everything I needed one night and stuck them all together, like this. It took me three hours the first time.

At first, the patch wasn't that big. The poster of Kanda used to be in the centre (that's the blue one slightly bottom left of centre). Then I bought more posters... and stuck them on for a second time. (I took off some of the ones I'd stuck on before, which caused me a lot of trouble because everything else started falling off.)

And when I finally got everything on, I'd spent more than four hours on the thing and it was one in the morning. (I get a lot of weird ideas at ungodly hours in the night.)

...Which pretty much explains the wall.

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