Took a walk in the afternoon, after it rained.

And I saw a lot of snails, as expected. Gross, but I brought my camera, so... here we are.

I like this picture. I think it's got something to do with the angle, but somehow, the snail looks very much alive in this photograph.

Although I don't like snails very much, dead or alive, but well... an accidental good shot, I'd say. Not to mention the fact that the snail's actually tiny, so I had to bend down, and bring the camera really close to take this picture...


Double eurgh. This was a seriously huge snail. I was so grossed out. But I still took the picture. I'm weird that way.

This angle looks a bit more interesting, I think, but the distance I had to hold the camera from the snail...


Okay, enough of recounting the snail trauma.

But you've got to admit, snails make for good photographing subjects, no? I mean, they don't move around much...

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