I came across a site with loads of Changmin fan-art. Fan-art is art that's done by, well, fans of a singer, or actor, et cetera.

I used not to like fan-art, but after seeing this site, I changed my opinion. Or maybe it's just the fans of Korean pop who are obsessed enough to make it this nice.

Changmin is a member of my favourite boyband, DBSK. Hmm... he's not my favourite member, but I came across these images by accident, so yeah. (If you were wondering, my favourite member's Jaejoong.) I picked out a few of my favourite ones, but of course there were more. Oh, and by the way, all of them were done by the same artist.


All I can say is: this looks like a photograph.

It isn't.

The artist used text to construct Changmin's face. An idea I found not as aesthetically pleasing as it was interesting. Still, it's impressive, the way she managed to put everything together... and it looks remarkably like him.

Same as the first one, done in colour. I prefer this one, simply because I like colourful things.

My mum has a shirt with a design like that (in these same colours), but I'd say that the guy in this picture looks much better than the one on the shirt.

I like this picture. It's abstract-ish, yet realistic. And I wish I could paint like that (digitally, or otherwise.).

I really like this one. It's... starry? I don't know, it has this very ethereal feeling. I also like the choice of colours in this picture, it's all bluish, but somehow feels very warm to me. (Does that make any sense?)

Oh, and it reminds me of The Little Prince, for some reason.

So... to conclude? Never underestimate the power of fangirls.

P.S. I might go and look for some Jaejoong fan-art next time.

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