This is another assignment from last year. We were asked to observe the texture and pattern of a wooden block and superimpose it onto a cuboid on paper. This was what I did (click to enlarge):

Well, this doesn't really look anything special, but it was quite a feat for me last year to be able to draw this. I wasn't the sort of person who would draw in their free time - even if I did, they were all 2D sketches of nonexistent, weird creatures. So, when we were asked to draw this, I was kind of nervous about how it'd turn out.

I managed to draw the above, which, thankfully, turned out looking okay. However, I think the cuboid could have been better drawn to look more realistic.

Still, drawing is a skill that comes with practice, and I did improve as the year went by. I got much better at drawing textures. Hopefully, I will be able to make similar progress for other aspects of drawing.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that you have a talent for drawing nonexistent, weird creatures... :)
