Sunflower Abstracts

For this work, we were asked to find a picture, and do abstract drawings based on it. This is the picture I chose:

Below are the some of the abstract drawings I did (click on images to enlarge):

This was the very first drawing I did. It was also my first attempt at drawing an abstract of something, and I didn't do too badly, I suppose.

I like the one below, because it's quite different from what I usually draw. I like to use bright colours and seldom do completely black and white pictures, unless it's required of me.

So, doing this particular drawing was a new experience. It was also meant to look symmetrical and very precise, so I had quite a hard time drawing it freehand.

The last drawing, above, is one that I have a particularly deep impression of, because it's actually one of the last drawings I did. I was desperate to get my homework done, so I just sort of rushed this out.

After drawing these, I decided that I preferred abstract and more illustrative sorts of art rather than realism. This probably laid the groundwork for the decisions I made for my assignments later on.

1 comment:

  1. Wah, I am glad that this exercise helped you to discover your own strengths! I must really thank you for feedback like that because it tells me that the exercise was effective and I should continue to do this for other students... Thank you, Sheng Chun! :)
